8M: A message from woman to woman
Hello, nice to meet you, my name is Paola Ramírez, I am the founder of Altura Siete.
On March 8, when we commemorate the fight of women to be free and independent , I want to share a very special message with you:
Just like you, being a wife, mother and daughter, I have fought against every obstacle to get to where I am. Creating Altura Siete was not easy being a woman in the business world, however, this never stopped me, on the contrary, I looked for a way to stand out in an area that only revolved around men .
Proof of this effort is that during the beginning of 2024 I was named PRO WOMAN along with 29 other Mexican women who have stood out in the patriarchal world of entrepreneurship.
Altura Siete is my dream and today I am fulfilling it with the help of a wonderful team. Behind every design we make comes a story, an inspiration behind me, a woman, like you and me .
I am writing to you to tell you that it is possible; Women are as capable as any man and although the outlook may seem bleak, every day we are moving forward thanks to the daily struggle of every woman in the world .
I invite you to join the cause and believe in yourself, to transform your dreams into goals and be the role model for the women of tomorrow .
Paola Ramirez.
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