7 super tips for before starting a business
Deciding to start a business is a brave step that many women take at different stages of their lives, either out of necessity or because they find an opportunity in the market.
The path of entrepreneurship can be both exciting and challenging, so in this blog, we'll explore seven key tips for women who want to start their own path in the business world.
1. Find your passion
The first step to successfully starting a business is to identify what you are passionate about, because when you work on something you love, your effort becomes a driving force that propels your project towards success.
2. Learn about finances
Understanding the financial aspects of your business is crucial, so you must learn to manage your income, expenses, investments and plan long-term to ensure the economic stability of your business.
It is also good to know about the regulations you need to comply with, such as tax regime, tax returns and tax payments.
It is important that you decide between making use of your numerical skills or hiring the services of an accountant .
3. Be organized and plan
Even though these two words may mean a lot, you should not feel intimidated. On the contrary, familiarize yourself with them, since they are the pillar of your business.
Organization and planning are key to keeping your business on track , so set clear goals, create a calendar of activities, and be disciplined in completing your tasks.
To do this, you can use SMART goals , which are a great way to measure progress. If you are not familiar with the concept, we invite you to read the following article on SMART goals .
Another important aspect to keep in mind during planning is the budget. Depending on the type of business you want to start, you will need initial capital to get started .
In this budget, consider everything you need to start with, considering what you already have. Once you know the monetary value you will need, define the ways in which you will get it .
4. Take care of your health
Yes, it is a fact that starting a business is not an easy task and that it may push you to limits you have not reached before or do not do so often, but remember that personal well-being is also necessary for business success.
As much as possible, take time to take care of your physical and mental health, since a healthy mind and body will enhance your creativity, productivity and mood, as they will be key in this new stage .
5. Be persistent, be resilient
On the path of entrepreneurship, you will face challenges and obstacles. Perseverance and the ability to bounce back in the face of adversity are qualities that will help you overcome any difficulty .
On this path, you will face new challenges and obstacles: from lack of financial resources to competition in the market, so perseverance is highly required .
You will need your inner strength to push you forward even when everything seems to be against you and you will have to be resilient, so that you can not only solve problems, but also come away with new lessons and opportunities .
6. Stay motivated
This point goes hand in hand with the previous one, as it sounds easy to say “be perseverant”, “be resilient” but it is not so easy in practice and even less so when, as they say colloquially, “you don't know where the blows come from”.
The best way to cope with this is to be constantly motivated, you need to remember why you are doing what you do. Seeking sources of inspiration and motivation is also a great idea, whether it is through mentors, books, conferences or shared experiences with other female entrepreneurs.
A great tool for this is to use the Vision Board, which is undoubtedly a great source of motivation , as it is completely personal. Here is an article for you to learn more about the vision board and how to make it .
7. Do good networking
Networking is a great help when starting a business, especially when it is among women, since you will have references like you who were at the same point you are at.
By connecting with other female entrepreneurs, you not only expand your professional network, but you also open doors to potential collaborations and opportunities for joint growth.
A good way to network is to actively participate in events, fairs and activities related to your industry; it will easily give you the opportunity to meet key professionals, learn from their experiences and establish relationships that can be beneficial in the long run .
At Altura Siete we believe that there is no better advice than that which comes from the voice of experience, that is why, in the words of our founder Paola Ramírez: “One of the golden keys to successful entrepreneurship is to surround yourself with a committed and passionate team , without a doubt, the best way to navigate this path full of ups and downs.”
In this way, Altura Siete is more than a shoe brand; it is a symbol of strength, determination and creativity . We sincerely hope that this project will help you in your motivation and development as an entrepreneur. We invite you to share this blog and the photos of your shoes with the hashtag #MujerA7 to reach more entrepreneurs in Mexico and grow together .
Read also: 6 Shoe Colors You Should Wear